When we first arrived we wandered into a room where we were given Christmas Carol song sheets, and we sang carols while an old computer called a PDP1 played the music. The PDP1 is from the early 60s and each song was fed into the computer via paper tape.
We were also given a demonstration of the Charles Babbage Difference Engine, one of the worlds first designs for a mechanical calculating machine and a precursor to modern computers.
Some of the other awesome features of the party were:
- Free food and drinks including a sushi bar
- A skating rink (fake ice, real ice skates)
- Several open bars, all of which were made of ice
- Fake snow machine at the entrances
- Ice sculptures
- Awesome desert bar
- Hula girls
The highlight of the party for me was the musical entertainment - the Spazmatics. They are an 80s cover rock band with a nerdy flair. I caught a couple of their sets, and they were amazingly good. Hit after hit of the best tunes the 70s and 80s had to offer: They had your Clashes, your AC/DCs, your Bons and your Jovis. They even mocked Celine. Who could ask for more? I boogied. Boogieing is good (well, good for me, not necessarily good for those watching me).
The Spazmatics - Geeks Who Rock |