It is not just a random time and date, its also the first 10 digits of the mathematical constant of pi.
Today is the only day in a century where the dateand time matches the ratio of a diameter to its circumference.
In proper geek fashion Groundspeak is offering two souvenirs to celebrate this momentous occasion.
The first souvenir is for solving and finding a mystery cache. The second is to attend an event.
So this morning I piled the kids into the Geovan of Destiny and headed over to Hickory to attend a Pi Day Flashmob, hosted by Ninja Chipmunk.
This is the group photo:
Afterwards we headed over to find the closest mystery cache. When we were all done, I had claimed my two souvenirs.3-14-15 9:26:53 happens once more today, so if you haven't claimed yours, its not to late!