This adventure starts off as many good adventures do - with an early morning flight across the country. The country in this case is my homeland, Canada.
This morning (that is morning in the timeline of the story, not the telling), my wife and I have left our kids at the grandparents, and hopped on a West Jet flight in Hamilton Ontario, and are headed west.
Our destination is Vancouver Island. Our goal is to go on a road trip thru British Columbia, a province little explored by either my wife or myself, and end up in Alberta. Along the way we hope to visit some friends, take some photos, sign some cache logs, and check out the majestic splendor that is the western side of Canada.

Our ultimate plan is to hang out with a bunch of Scavengers in Canmore Alberta at a hangout lovingly dubbed CRAM - the Chrysta Rae Alberta Meetup. Frequent readers of this blog should already be familiar with the Scavengers - new readers will learn about em by the time this series is complete.
So sit back, relax, and over the next series of posts shall regale you a tale of our adventure on the west coast.
Stay tuned.