If you are, the Google Chrome team is donating money to charity every time you open up a new tab in Chrome between Dec 15 - 19. They are donating up to a million dollars. Here is what your tabs can do:
- 10 tabs = 1 tree planted
- 10 tabs = 1 book published and donated
- 25 tabs = 1 vaccination treatment provided
- 100 tabs = 1 square foot of shelter built
- 200 tabs = 1 person's clean water for a year
See this blog for details: Browse For A Good Cause
Then install the Chrome extension: Chrome For A Cause , then start browsing! At the end of each day you can select one of 5 charities to donate money too. Not to shabby, and an easy way to be a good samaritan.
Note: If you are not running Chrome, you can download it here: Chrome Web Browser . It is fast, secure, and free, and it runs on almost every OS you are probably using.