Due to certain circumstances involving toddlers and pregnant wives, I headed out to find a cache solo. My wife parked on the side of the road, and I jumped out and headed into the woods.
I got 20 ft into the woods and thought to myself "Crap! I forgot my camera",
Then I thought "Bah, I'm going 150ft into the woods, I won't need it".
Then I saw the deer, and realized the magnitude of my mistake.
The deer was standing 50ft away from me. After mentally kicking myself over the forgotten camera I remembered I had a camera on my phone. I reached down, pulled it from its belt holster, and snapped some pics. I then started back down my path, which was somewhat orthogonal to the deer. I expected her to run away at any moment, but she just stood there and stared at me. After a few feet I disappeared behind some foliage, and I saw her bend down to eat.

I got to within 30ft of GZ, and had circled around to the other side of the deer. It was then that I realized that the deer was standing on the cache. Literally.
So I took some more pics with the phone, and the deer finally ran off. I then went in and grabbed the cache and signed the log.
This was my first deer muggle. How cool is that?