I love doing night caching, however they normally require darkness to do them properly. Night caches are done by following a series of reflectors, which are illuminated by flashlights.
I found myself at the start of a night cache on Saturday - at 3PM in the afternoon, on the sunniest day I've seen since October.
You will probably agree with me that this is the exact wrong conditions in which a night cache should be attempted.
My solution: An insanely bright (3,000 lumen) flashlight called a Firesword. To put the word "insanely" in perspective, consider that your average flashlight is 20-50 Lumens, and tactical flashlights are 200-300 Lumens. A firesword is a portable headlight. It will damage your eye site if you look directly at it. It is *bright*. Just the thing to have with you in a day-time night cache attempt.
Why am I telling you this? No reason. I just wanted to show a picture of my geocaching partner puppy, and I needed a good story context for it. She was there when I found the cache.
Specifically this one, pictured with the GPSr and ammo can at the final of the night cache in question.