The problem is we are still in Massachusetts. We have a 7 hour drive ahead of us. Normally this isn't a problem, but we have the patience of a 3 year old to consider (and thats just daddy - we also have an actual toddler *and* infant to deal with).
Today was basically a driving day, and not a lot happened. We did conquer the New York City highways, and the New Jersey turnpike. If you've never had the pleasure of driving the New Jersey Turnpike, you're... um... lucky.
Really I am quite convinced that the whole Connecticut-New York-New Jersey corridor is based on a dare.
Thanks to geocaches at rest stops I did manage to grab 3 smileys. Interestingly these are the last log books I will sign for 3 days, but I still did a lot of geocaching... how? wait and find out!
Until tomorrow, this has been today. A day of an endless highways and rest stops. Lots of views like this:
We checked into the hotel in Arlington VA at 7pm, which is 2 hours later than we're used to, so the kids were squirrely, and the parents exhausted. Tomorrow should be a much more interesting day... stay tuned!