The entrance to the park is an old quarry, so you are immediately greeted with a large rock wall that dominates the landscape. From there, 5 miles(ish) of nicely groomed hiking trails (0.3 of them are paved, the rest dirt), snake up the side of the quarry and end up on a small mountain.
It is the top of the mountain where the true gem lies. The views are spectacular.
While I was on my way up the mountain, I ran into a pair of geocachers, 2icehikers, that I had not met before (I couldn't figure out why they clued in that I was caching at first, but then I realized I had on my Geocaching North Carolina t-shirt, and had my GPS hanging from the strap of my pack - duh me). It turns out that they have hidden several caches in the park, including an earth cache. It is always a good day when you meet cachers out on the trail.
Despite the summer temps (90f, no wind) I spent 4 hours in the park, and logged in 5.75 miles of hiking (thank God for Gatorade!). I found 9 of the 12 caches. Not to shabby, if I do say so myself.
I highly suggest you check out Rocky Face Mountain Recreational Area. Bring your GPSr, and your camera. You won't regret it.
Until you get a chance to get out and experience it for yourself, I'll leave you with a few pictures.