We started the day at an old Shell station that looked like what a kid would draw if they imagined a Shell Station.
Then we headed to downtown Greensboro NC to grab one of the rarest of geocache types, a webcam cache. I've only had 5 of these finds in my almost 1500 total finds.
Our last cache of the day was at an old NASCAR race track, that has since been converted into walking trails. The stands and some of the NASCAR bits are still there. Personally I think its the best use of NASCAR I've seen.
Here are a few scenes from our day, starting with Zeke climbing on the car ramps at the shell station.
Debbie and Abigail joining the fun.
A well camo'd geocache container.
Zeke opening up a magnetic key holder cache.
The skyline of downtown Greensboro North Carolina. The webcam is in the building on the left on the 6th floor.
The webcam shot - we are in the lower left corner.
Yours Truly going online to grab the webcam photo. The stickers on my laptop were courtesy of Zeke.
Remains of the stands for an abandoned NASCAR track. There is a geocache hidden in these stands - can you spot the hiding place?
The NASCAR track... you can still see where the dirt was bermed along the edges to keep wayward cars on the track. Now it is a hard packed walking trail.