It is kind of amazing how close one can get to wild birds.

I found myself staring out the window, and saw a male cardinal sitting on a snow covered branch. It was rather pretty, but the window had screening so it wasn't conducive to good photography. so I decided to go outside and shoot it from there.
The tree is in our side yard, and I was standing in our front yard under another tree, along side some bird feeders. As I was standing waiting for the cardinals to come back to the side yard, I noticed that many birds were coming around the feeders - just 10ft away.
So I turned around, leaned against a branch, and over the next hour or so got up close and personal to many birds... these shots are some of the results:
So I turned around, leaned against a branch, and over the next hour or so got up close and personal to many birds... these shots are some of the results: